medium n. (pl. -dia ) 1.媒介物;传导体;媒质,基质,介质,介体;中间物;环境、生活情形。 2.手段,方法;媒介;〔常作 pl.〕宣传工具;传播媒介〔指报刊、广播、电视等〕。 3.中间,中庸;【数学】中数,平均;【逻辑学】中名辞;【生物学】培养基,培养液;颜料溶解液。 4.女巫,降神者。 5.【戏剧】(射火灯灯前的)隔板。 6.(纸张的)中号尺寸;〔pl.〕中型轰炸机。 mass media 大众传播媒介;宣传工具。 the happy medium 中庸。 the circulating medium = the medium of circulation 通货。 adj. 中等的,中级的,普通的;平均的。 medium quality (中级)物品。 a medium bowler 【板球】(速球与缓球之间的)中球投球员。 by [through] the medium of 通过,以…为媒介。 medium of advertisement 广告媒介〔指报刊等〕。 medium of exchange 交换媒介;货币;支票。
Spurt water column not only is a good coupling medium of ultrasonic , but also can get rid of impurity , such as power , vapor and oil film on the surface of the measured object , so this sensor can adapt various environments 因为水柱不仅是超声波传播的良好介质,还可将被测物表面的粉尘、水汽、油膜等杂质吹走,使系统具有良好的环境适应能力。在恶劣环境下进行位移测量时,该传感器具有其他仪器不可比拟的优越性。
The difference among the elasticity modulus of various microstructures is probably the main reason , which caused the experiment results above . under the same experiment conditions , such as sample shape , size , surface roughness , establishment of testing system , pressure on the probe , and thickness of coupling medium , the variety of relative attenuation coefficient ( or ) in different heat treatment samples is measured and compared by measuring the attenuation obtained from the cylindrical surface of column . the result is as following : for 40cr and 38crmoal , a mt < az mq < a s < a p + f ; for gcrlssimn , a mt < a annea < s < a p + f ; and a increased with the increasing of frequency 在保证试样形状、尺寸、表面光洁度、系统参数设置、施加在探头上的压力以及耦合层厚度等测试条件一致的情况下,利用棒材圆柱面测衰减系数法,分别测定并比较上述不同热处理试样相对衰减系数的变化情况,得到的实验结果是:对于40cr及38crmoal钢, _ (低温回火) (淬火) _ (高温回火) _ (正火) ;对于gcr15simn钢, _ (低温回火) _ (退火) _ (高温回火) _ (正火) ;且随着频率的提高,衰减系数均呈现增加的趋势。